Raina can't wait to be a big sister, but once Amara is born she realizes things won't be quite what she had expected...or hoped. Despite
Amara's cuteness, she is a cranky, grouchy baby and mostly prefers to play by herself.
Raina can't wait to be a big sister, but once Amara is born she realizes things won't be quite what she had expected...or hoped. Despite
Amara's cuteness, she is a cranky, grouchy baby and mostly prefers to play by herself.
Raina Telgemeier
395 บาท
Raina can't wait to be a big sister, but once Amara is born she realizes
things won't be quite what she had expected...or hoped. Despite
Amara's cuteness, she is a cranky, grouchy baby and mostly
prefers to play by herself.
Their relationship doesn't improve much over the years but when a
baby brother enters the picture and their parents' relationship
starts to struggle, they realize they must figure out how to get
along. They are sisters, after all.
24 มิ.ย. 63